Acupuncture is a natural, safe and effective treatment that heals pain and illness, prevents disease and improves well-being. It is one component of Chinese medicine which is a complete holistic medical system. Other components include herbal medicine, cupping, moxibustion, bloodletting and qigong. It has been used for over 3,000 years. It is the oldest, continuously practiced professional medicine in the world and is currently used by one-quarter of the world’s population.
Acupuncture is a therapy which involves the gentle insertion of very thin, sterile and disposable needles into specific points on the skin which create an effect within the body. Acupuncture increases blood and oxygen circulation and alleviates pain by blocking pain receptors. Cellular repair occurs after acupuncture treatment and the endocrine and nervous systems are balanced to help the body heal naturally. Treatment can balance hormones and stimulate the secretion of endorphins and enkephalins, the body’s natural pain killers.
Alone, or as an adjunct to western medicine, acupuncture provides highly effective treatment for many common complaints and may provide additional relief for problems that do not respond completely to western treatment. Acupuncture is recognized world-wide for its ability to treat a wide variety of disorders naturally – without the use of harmful drugs or invasive surgery and with virtually no side effects.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbs, as prescribed by a trained professional, can be used to restore functioning of the body during many health difficulties. The herbal medicine is prescribed based on pulse diagnoses, according to what is specifically needed by the individual at the time. Chinese herbs are primarily from natural plants, and some minerals. These herbs are combined into a carefully compounded formulas that works synergistically to begin to address the root causes of health concerns, not merely symptomatic relief.
Chinese herbal medicine can be a powerful modality, especially when coupled with a medical pulse diagnosis. Like many forms of medicine, there is an art and very strong science to proper prescribing of Chinese herbs. When a practitioner has specialized training and skill development, the patient’s pulse can reveal both conditions and causes of conditions. The pulse is carefully read to get a proper diagnosis, and a custom formula is designed for your specific top needs.
Whereas Western practitioners normally use a single herb to treat a single complaint, Chinese herbs are used in primarily combination. This flexibility allows practitioners to treat multiple issues and symptoms. They can even modify formulas in order to target underlying causes of a health concern. However, because the correct use of Chinese herbs is a complex process, it should be undertaken only by a properly trained professional.
Bloodletting is a specialized technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine that aims to restore balance in the human body using the targeted draining of small quantities of blood from specific locations. As such, it is frequently used to treat ailments stemming from inflammation such as a sore throat.
The practitioner will first determine the suitability of the patient for bloodletting according to the Four Diagnostic Methods.
For the trained practitioner, the preferred instruments include the traditional three-edge needle, seven-star needle (also known as a cutaneous needle), a medical lancet, or occasionally a regular acupuncture needle. The goal of the treatment is to elicit several drops of blood by squeezing the small puncture point made by the instrument, which is absorbed with a sterile cotton ball. Depending on the intended treatment purpose, cupping may instead be used to draw out 5-10mL of blood.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the process of bloodletting can stimulate the smooth flow and dispersion of qi and blood throughout the body as well as drain excess heat and fire.
The practice of bloodletting must be executed by a well-trained and experienced acupuncturist to ensure minimal discomfort and to ensure that strict sterilization standards are met.
Bloodletting treats a variety of ailments such as:
- Eye irritation
- Sore throat
- Migraines/headaches
- Skin problems (eg. eczema, psoriasis)
Cupping has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Cupping has its roots in the Middle East, Asia, Northern & Eastern Europe and North American traditional peoples. Cups can be made from glass, bamboo, animal horns and shells, and nowadays plastic. There are many ways to cup. The most common ways are Fire Cupping and Suction Cupping. In Fire Cupping cups are applied to the skin using a flame to create a vacuum. In Suction Cupping intend of flame we use suction pump. The cups usually stay in place for approximately 5-15 minutes Cupping disperse stagnation, stimulate detoxification, loosen phlegm in the lungs, and improve overall circulation. The cupping action draws toxins to the surface of the skin where the immune system is better able to eliminate them. Cupping can sometimes result in temporary discoloration of the skin called petechiae. These marks are associated with improved blood flow to the area and naturally, dissipate within a few days. They tend to look like small circular bruises, and often cause more alarm than is necessary. While a bruise my hurt, cupping marks do not.